Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Saturday, December 27, 2014


The holidays have been pretty ... full. Since I am a rector now, I felt, rightly or wrongly, that I should accept most of the invitations to Christmas and Advent parties. All told, between Thanksgiving and Christmas we went to no less than twelve events; this included a staff party, various parishioner events, etc. At each other these I ate very extravagently, had a drink or two, and had desert. The weird thing is that I knew the way that I was eating was not going to sustainably support the extra work that I had to take care of in December, namely, the creation of the 2015 budget, the approval of that with the vestry, the creation of a new position at the Church, and the planning, execution, and preaching of all the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services. Now add to that no exercise. Add all the stress of the above work load, plus the normal anxieties that come with holidays with the extended family. All this equals a newly minted 39 year old man who is feeling pretty bloated, weak, and ready for a change. Soooo...since I can't really do moderation (I'd love to figure that out, perhaps later), my Good Wife and I are embarking on what I am calling a Whole40, it's the Whole 30 +10: here's a link to the WHole 30:http://whole30.com/whole30-program-rules/ We had great success with it last time, so we'll try it again to more solidly work in the habits of good gene expression etc. Last time I did the Whole 30 I didn't exercise but once and we got kind of lazy with the food prep, so I am planning to exercise alot more and learn new recipes. I received the amazing Nom Nom Paleo book for Christmas so this should help. As to exercise I will do Mark Sisson's plan found here. Basically: lift heavy things twice a week, run fast once a week, and walk/play/ride 2-5 hours per week. I'm a little concerned about jumping into exercise with such a long time off, so I'll be doing some warm ups to get me back into it. I don't want to injure myself, but I don;t want to limp along either. SAs I write this I feel like a whiny little dude, I'm just sick of not feeling good. I look forward to felling great soon and moving toward some goals. I'm also excited to have alot of energy for ministry. Lately I feel like I've been bringing my serious C+ game when it ought to be my A game. That's all for now, a quick trip to Atlanta to visit the family and then back home for a last meal with a parishioner (she is the food writer for our local paper, it should be great!), and then the Whole40, here we go!